Start a lifelong love of learning today!

Join our 1000 Books Before Kindergarten program and start a lifelong love of reading and learning with your child. This free program encourages a routine of reading at home, a major factor in increasing reading readiness when entering formal school.

How It Works

  • Sign Up at the Library

    Parents, Grandparents and/or Caregivers should bring their child to the library to sign up and receive a free reading journal. Children ages birth through the time they enter kindergarten are eligible.

  • Read Together

    Read at home with your child and record the books in the reading journal. Visit the library after you've read 100, 250, 500, 750 and 1,000 books for your child to receive each milestone prize.

  • Enjoy Your Time Together

    This program has no timeline except to complete it before they enter kindergarten. Take every chance you have to read with your child and share many special moments together.


A very special thank you to the Friends of the Elk Rapids District Library for underwriting this important program that helps set children up for long-term success in school and in life!